Our Leadership Team

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Meet our Leadership Team

Mark Hartigan

Executive Chair and Chief Executive Officer

Peter Huber

Chief Insurance & Distribution Officer

Jonathan Wismer

Chief Financial Officer

Nicholas Walker

Chief HR Officer

Dr. Ronny Fischer

SVP Strategy

Dr. Marc Olivier Morant

General Counsel and Company Secretary

Dominik Ulrich

Chief Risk Officer

Fabian Wesemann

Founder and Chief Investment Officer

Our Country Leads

Dr. Günther Blaich

Country Lead Germany

Matteo Bevilacqua

Country Lead Italy

Osman Elkaz

Country Lead Switzerland

Rene Besenbäck

Country Lead Austria

Nicole Hollander

Country Lead Netherlands

Ravindra Nath

Country Lead Poland

Our Board of Directors

Mark Hartigan

Executive Chair of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG

Julian Teicke

President on the Board
Vice Chair Board of Directors wefox Holding AG

Yaron Valler

Member of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG

Dario Fazlic

Member of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG

Fabian Wesemann

Member of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG

Henry Gladwyn

Member of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG

Ibrahim Ajami

Member of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG

Helen Heslop

Member of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG

Nikolaus Frei

Member of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG

Richard Watts

Member of the Board of Directors of wefox Holding AG